Emotional Logic 16-year Report

6 Mar 2021

Where on Earth is Emotional Logic in 2019?

A report 16 years after the foundation of this training charity

Our Vision
One day, people everywhere will feel empowered to harness their unpleasant emotions during times of change or hurt, and turn them to constructive, useful purposes.

Our Mission
To train and support networks of skilled practitioners who enable individuals and families to learn practical life skills that help to turn the stress of unpleasant emotions into the adaptability they need to build stronger home and working relationships.


In 2003 The Foundation for Growth Through Grieving (FGTG) was incorporated as a Registered Charity and Company Limited by Guarantee. At that time the main hope was to equip healthcare professionals and counselling psychologists with an additional skill, to promote lifelong learning approaches that would enable their clients to improve their emotional literacy about the useful purposes of their unpleasant loss emotions arising from everyday setbacks, disappointments and hurts. Since then, a much wider health promotion and social adaptability remit has evolved in schools, community and workplace settings. Quality teaching has developed to maintain standards among tutors during this diversification, and a Faculty of qualified tutors is forming the core of the virtual and global Emotional Logic Training College. Beneficiary events are organised from the Emotional Logic Centre, and by a network of independent Emotional Logic Business Associates.

Over the six years before 2003, Emotional Logic’s lifelong learning method had been developed in a primary healthcare setting, and in a therapeutic community, to help patients and residents build stronger and more adaptable relationships. The improved quality of relatedness that follows an improved capacity to manage loss constructively generates the adaptability and emotional resilience needed to prevent common mental illnesses and socially disruptive behaviour. Piloting by many people since then in diverse settings, cultures and translations has shown how the benefits cross all boundaries of age, gender, language and culture. Emotional Logic enhances core humanity, promoting personal development by enabling people to hear each other with more insight, and with a greater capacity to make wise decisions about how to act in a life-enhancing way.

Now sixteen years after the Foundation started to teach, this report gives an overview of how widespread and substantial are the benefits of learning to activate one’s in-built Emotional Logic.