Pupil Introduction Session

March 24th @ 9:30 am - 3:00 pm

Goosewell Primary School in Devon have invited us for a two day event introducing the Emotional Logic method to all of their year 6 students.

It’s application to personal and school life will be explored and they will be provided with practical tools to support them in the upcoming transitions and changes and beyond! The method can promote healthy communication, a reduction in anxiety and a healthy emotional awareness.

The Emotional Logic Centre can provide online and COVID safe face to face training in all Education settings. We can run short introductions, half and full day training.


Date March 24th

Time 9:30 am - 3:00 pm

Category Workshops


South Highlands
Blachford Rd, Ivybridge, Devon, PL20 0AD

Website Visit venue website


Name Christiaan Stirling

Phone 01752 895422

Email Organiser